Our mission is to.
This site was made by professional entertainers to help other entertainers with a lower price directory for them and to make it easier for event planners to find them. We are all tired of paying un-real amounts of money for event planners to find us. We are also tired of being told that we will be getting leads on national sites and then as soon as you sign up, there are no leads. It is not ok to take advantage of people and so we want to take control of our own advertising and give the industry a break.
How I can keep the rates low will depend on everyone who signs up with us.
If you sign up with us, please do the following to help keep the fees low.
all to help with this. We will all benefit from linking our websites and or social media platforms to each other, so please be sure to understand that linking this website on your website will not only help the SEO for this site, but also it will help your SEO to be bumped up on search engines.
I promise to do my best to get this website as highly ranked for each of us, but the way we do this is by your help as well.
What we are promising to you by signing up on this site….
Right to Decline or Remove Listings
Find Your Wedding Dj, Eventdjpros, Dynamite Reflections Entertainment, MN Events Entertainment and the creators, administrators, and operators of this directory reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse or remove any individual, business, or service provider from the directory at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, negative behavior, unethical practices, or failure to adhere to the directory’s guidelines. We aim to maintain a positive, professional environment, and we reserve the right to take appropriate action should a listing be deemed detrimental to the reputation or integrity of the directory.
We are starting the directory at $25.00 per year and hope to keep it at that rate for as long as possible. We promise to always keep the price under 175.00 per year at the very most. That will be the most we would ever charge and that will not happen until and or if we have a great base and great SEO happening.
Let’s be honest, we are all busy and this is not our first job, this is to help bring honesty and openness to all planners and DJ’s, so we will NOT have anything to do with contact between event planners and or DJ’s. All DJ’s are in charge of responding to all event planners as they would like too. We promise that we will not intrude on any listings. If an event planner see’s your information, your email, website, phone number will always be available for them to contact you directly.
Disclaimer of Liability
By using this directory, you acknowledge and agree that Find Your Wedding Dj & or Eventdjpros is a listing service only. The creators, administrators, and operators of this directory do not endorse, recommend, or verify any individuals, businesses, or service providers listed. Any engagement, contract, or transaction made with individuals or businesses listed in this directory is solely between you and the respective party.
Find Your Wedding DJ & or Eventdjpros makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or quality of the services offered by those listed. You agree that Find Your Wedding Dj, Eventdjpros, Dynamite Reflections Entertainment, MN Events Entertainment and the creators, administrators, and operators of this directory are not responsible or liable for any loss, damage, injury, or dissatisfaction that may result from your use of the services or hiring of any individual or business listed. You assume all risks associated with hiring or engaging any provider through this directory.
It is your responsibility to conduct due diligence and verify the qualifications and suitability of any listed party prior to entering into any agreement.